
advocating Governance based on Verification, Valor, and Virtue.

Democracy should not be managed to serve Wealth,
rather, wealth should be managed to serve democracy.

The Kooky Objective


So inevitably, also democracy.

What they are, how designed, how maintained.

For without equality, democracy is impossible. But with equality, democracy is automatic. They are as bound together as are the heads and the tails of a coin; if you have one, you must have the other.

And concerning equality, it is equality of voice, i.e., equality of expression and equality of being heard, that's fundamental. This applies particularly to economic voice. Just as fundamental are the stability and durability of equality - both in actual fact and in the sure confidence that the playing field is and will remain level over time. Absent any aspect of equality and democracy cannot exist.

As of now, no modern government has made any systematic and exhaustive attempt to pursue equality. It follows, then, that no modern government has made any systematic and exhaustive attempt to pursue democracy. That raises the question of whether equality (and therefore democracy) is really wanted, either by the governing or by the governed. The persistence of inequality certainly seems suggestive.

There has been, however, a particular social construct that may be forcing undesired results, one that has framed human society seemingly since almost forever. This construct has very likely worked against every human aspiration for equality - if such aspirations truly exist.

These pages retain the belief that such aspirations do exist and assert that advantageous structural change is achievable. Based on the assumption that equality, and its spinoff, democracy, necessarily lead to greater individual satisfaction and to an equitable balance of personal burden and reward, these pages also hold that equality is the best strategy for maximizing community health.