
advocating Governance based on Verification, Valor, and Virtue.

Democracy should not be designed to serve Wealth,
rather, wealth should be designed to serve democracy.

Imagine: In a World...

Imagine a world where you never have to worry about where your money will come from. Instead, you receive a guaranteed allotment of money as an inherent human right, the same allotment all your friends and neighbors get; an allotment that does not depend on your careful management of a job, a career, uncertain investments, or shaky retirement plans. Imagine a world in which your coming of age also comes with a guaranteed endowment consisting of your accumulated allotment since birth – all those years leading up to a nice nest egg with which to enter a self-sufficient and secure adulthood. Imagine a world where everyone everywhere enjoys those same guarantees.

And imagine a world in which the accumulation of wealth provides only moderated benefits to the accumulator, yet assuredly benefits others; power is effectively distributed; and playing fields tend to level themselves automatically.

Ignore for the moment the question of whether such a world is practicable. Consider this a thought experiment, and project from the above scenario as if it were established fact.

What would that world be like? What would be produced, and what wouldn't be? How would you be affected, and what would you do with your life? What would other people do with their lives? Would you have to do anything? Would you want to do anything? And other people? Would they have to do anything? Would they want to do anything?


Are we in heaven? - Are we in hell?
That demmed, elusive Paradisical!